Non-photographers often ask us what a typical day is like as photographers. We usually stare blankly trying to muster up some kind of idea of a schedule or routine that might sorta kinda be similar day-to-day. The beauty of this job (you know, aside from the actual physical beauty that we photograph) is that every day is a little different. Since we are a full-service studio, our job goes WAY beyond taking pictures, getting digital files to our clients, and moving onto the next client. When we hand over a pile of digitals and nothing else, guess what we just gave you? A project, not a product. That is not what we’re here for! We are going to give you completed artwork featuring your family and to do that, every day is going to demand different things from us.
From album design, to finding the perfect frames, to always testing out new fine art papers from the very best labs in the country, to editing, to blogging (hello!), to sharing beautiful babies on social media, to delivering artwork to their new homes, to designing the next newborn session, to brainstorming ways to make the client experience better and better and better, to bookkeeping, and on and on. Every day is truly different and that is one of many things we love about owning and operating a full service portrait art studio.
We are lucky in that we are a two woman operation, each with our own set of strengths. I (Theresa) think this is what has really made our business grow and thrive! Erin is so ridiculously talented (and I say that as objectively as I possibly can, given she’s my wife and all). But seriously, her talents never cease to amaze me. She is primarily behind the images you see from us. She is behind the styling, posing and editing. Her perfectionism is what is bringing you these amazing works of art that are so much more than just a snapshot of this brand new life.
I, on the other hand, am dedicated to the business side of things. I focus my energy on the client experience, the health of our business, the numbers, the timing of everything, our schedule, etc. Together I like to think we’ve got all the angles covered. One way or another, with or without every minute of the day having an assignment, we get our jobs done and we always put in 100%. I like to think it shows!
Tricia Anderson - You guys also spend your days helping 100’s of photographers out there with posing questions, lighting, IPS questions, etc… You two are amazing <3